This Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices of the website operated by MacroSpys (hereinafter "Website" if it is unique or "Websites") and how the website operated by MacroSpys collects and uses the personal data that you provide in the MacroSpys website for the purpose of you using the MacroSpys service. It also describes the options available to you regarding our use of your personal information and how you can access, update and delete this information.

The use of the website is possible without any indication of personal data; however, if a user wishes to use the MacroSpys service through our website, it may be necessary to collect and process personal data. If the processing of personal data is necessary, we generally obtain the consent of the user as the data subject.

The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, email address, telephone number or billing information of an interested party, will always comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in accordance with country specific requirements. data protection regulations applicable to MacroSpys. Through this Privacy Policy, we would like to inform the general public about the nature, scope, and purpose of the personal data that we collect, use and process. In addition, the interested parties (users) are informed of their rights through this Privacy Policy.

As the controller, MacroSpys has implemented numerous technical and organizational measures to ensure the most complete protection of personal data processed through this website.

In this Privacy Policy "MacroSpys", "we", "us" and "our" refer to MacroSpys.


  • Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("data subject / user"). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to their physical structure, or physiological. Data on the genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person can also serve as identifiers.
  • The data subject / user is any identified or identifiable natural person, whose personal data is processed by the controller responsible for the processing; a user of the MacroSpys software.
  • Processing is any operation or set of operations that is carried out with personal data or sets of personal data, whether by automated or manual means, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, recovery, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, diffusion or making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
  • Pseudonymisation is the processing of personal data in such a way that personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject / user without the use of additional information, provided that such additional information is kept separate and subject to to technical and organizational measures to ensure that personal data is not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person.
  • Encryption is a security protection measure for personal data, a form of cryptography. It is a process by which personal data is converted into an encrypted and unintelligible version thanks to the use of encryption algorithms and an encryption key. With this measure, a decryption key or code allows users to decode it again.
  • The consent of the data subject / user is a freely given, specific, informed and unequivocal indication of the wishes of the data subject / user of data by which, by means of a declaration or a clear affirmative action, it signifies an agreement for the processing of related personal data for him or her.


    Anyone can access our website without providing their personal data.

    The purpose of processing your personal data by MacroSpys and the collection of information about you are as follows (the "Purpose"):

  • Your intention to use our Service.
  • For MacroSpys to provide the user with the requested and purchased Service.
  • To verify your identity and provide customer service and support.
  • Please review your use of our website and service to better understand how they are used so that we can improve our service and user experience and attract and retain users.
  • Being willing to use our Service, you must provide your personal details (to register an account and purchase software) and become a MacroSpys user.

    This is the Purpose for which we collect and process two types of information:

    Aggregate (i.e. collective data that relates to a group or category of customers), tracking, and website usage information that we automatically collect when you access our website, such as (1) browser types and versions used, (2) the operating system used by the access system, (3) the website from which an access system reaches our website (so-called referrals), (4) the secondary websites, (5) the date and time of access to the website, (6) the Internet service provider, (7) data provided by Google Analytics, Facebook pixels, Adwords pixels, Google Tech Manger, Zendesk and Zopim systems, and (8) any other data and similar information that can be used in the event of attacks on our information technology systems.

    By using this data and general information, we do not intend to reach any conclusions about the data. Rather, this information is necessary to (1) deliver the content of our website correctly, (2) optimize the content of our website and its advertising, (3) ensure the long-term viability of our technology systems of the information and website technology and (4) provide law enforcement authorities with the information necessary for criminal prosecution in the event of a cyber attack.

    Therefore, we analyze the anonymously collected data and information statistically with the aim of increasing the data protection and data security of our company, and to ensure an optimal level of protection of the personal data that we process. Anonymous data in server log files is stored separately from all personal data provided by a data subject (depersonalization), and personal data that you voluntarily provide subject to your consent when placing an order for any subscription plan by MacroSpys Software.

    Please note that you are not obliged to provide us with your personal data. However, if you do not provide us with your name and email address, you may not be able to create an account to log in and purchase the MacroSpys Software, which is required to use our Service.


    When you register an account, you receive an email indicating a private key, or you can download it from your account. This private key is used to encrypt your personal data and to restore access to your data if you lose your password.

    The private key is stored on MacroSpys servers in an encrypted form. In the case of an active account, the private key is stored for a period of an active account.

    The storage period for this private key is 1 (one) day after you delete your account according to your request.


    The provision of our Service is not generally directed at children. This website is not intended for children under the age of 18.

    MacroSpys is in compliance with COPPA. We do not knowingly collect information from children and minors. We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children's Internet use and help enforce our Privacy Policy by instructing their children never to provide information on our website without their permission.

    Our website and our Service do not target or collect personal data from children under the age of 13. If we obtain actual knowledge that we have collected personal data from a child, we will comply with industry guidelines and applicable laws and delete it immediately, unless we have a legal obligation to retain such data.

    We do not collect the information that you collect from children's targeting devices. All this information is encrypted.


    Target device data . Upon registering for a MacroSpys account, the Service begins to collect data from a target device linked to the Account, which may include personal data relating to you, users of the target device, or third parties ("User Data", including information about a target device, websites and applications that are used, contacts, connections, payments, messages and other communications, content published and received, etc.). In accordance with applicable privacy law, to the extent that it applies to the Service, you are the Data Controller of this Target Device Data and you designate us as the Data Processor of such data for the purpose of providing the MacroSpys Service.

    Your use of the target device's data . As a Data Controller, you warrant that you have the appropriate authority to collect and process Target Device Data and agree to process and use Target Device Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use and applicable law, and only for the explicit purposes of the Service. You will not submit to the Service any personal data relating to anyone who has not authorized such processing. Through the Service, you can also access a copy of the Target Device Data collected by us on your behalf. It will protect the confidentiality of any accessible target device information and prevent access or disclosure to any unauthorized third party. You will inform us within 24 hours of any problems that arise in relation to the management of your account and / or the data of the target device. You will be responsible for any illegal use of another person's data (personal or not) through the Service on a target device, including any use contrary to applicable data protection laws and / or in violation of this Privacy Policy.

    Obligations of the data processor . To the extent that we are data processors on your behalf, (a) we will implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard any information on the target device against any unauthorized or illegal access, loss, destruction, theft, use or disclosure; (b) limit access to data on the target device only to employees who need to know it to allow the processor to perform the service; (c) only process the Target Device Data as specified by this Policy and in accordance with its instructions, and (d) will not use the Target Device Data for any purpose other than those related to the performance of the Service or of according to your written instructions. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement by deregistration, or upon your request, we will cease any use of Third Party Data and destroy or return it to you, except as provided above regarding endorsements. until data and completion. We will not disclose Target Device Data to any third party without your prior written consent or pursuant to a court or administrative order.

    Warranties . You are solely responsible for the use of the Account and the processing of personal data linked to your Account, including but not limited to collecting, storing and analyzing personal data from a target device. MacroSpys automatically uses the settings and instructions that you and you are solely responsible for setting up your account.You warrant, as responsible for the Target Device Data that we process on your behalf as Data Processors, that you (a) have informed to any user who is 18 years of age or older than the devices they use have the MacroSpys software installed and who has obtained the consent of said user (s) for this type of activity, as stipulated in our Privacy Policy, and (b) you comply with all applicable laws regarding monitoring and control software. You agree to fully comply with this Privacy Policy.

    Compensation. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from all claims, damages and losses that we may suffer in connection with the processing of the Target Device Data and other third party personal data sent to our systems during the use and provision of the Service.


    We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time and post any changes to the Privacy Policy on the website, so please review it frequently. We indicate the date of the current version of this Privacy Policy below so that you will know when it was last updated.

    Changes to this Privacy Policy may not affect your personal data that we have collected from you before or after such changes.